Wilkie Collins

Hide and Seek (Esprios Classics)


Hide and Seek was Wilkie Collins' third published novel. It is the first of his novels involving the solution of a mystery, the elements of which are clearer to the reader than to the novel's characters. Suspense is created from the reader's uncertainty as to which characters will find out...


Hide and Seek was Wilkie Collins' third published novel. It is the first of his novels involving the solution of a mystery, the elements of which are clearer to the reader than to the novel's characters. Suspense is created from the reader's uncertainty as to which characters will find out the truth, when and how. The novel has a convoluted plot, in common with many of Collins’ works. It falls into two parts: the history of “Madonna” Grice and Matthew Grice’s discovery of her. Mary Grice is courted and seduced by a man calling himself Arthur Carr.

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